Pilot Affordable Housing to rise in New Clark City

New Clark City will be the pilot area for what could be the game-changer in terms of design, concept, and cost in affordable housing in the country.

In a recent webinar attended by more than 40 participants from public and private corporations, developers, banks and financial institutions, the BCDA, in partnership with United Kingdom’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (UK-FCDO), unveiled the design and concept for affordable housing that are anchored on the following principles: affordability, mobility, safety and security, economic resilience, healthy design, community and inclusivity, climate and environmental, and accessibility.

BCDA Senior Vice President Engr. Joshua Bingcang and the Delivery Team of the Global Future Cities Programme led by Royston Brockman (Director of Tripleline Consulting in UK), Marie Stephanie Tan-Hamed (Partner in SGV/EY Philippines), and Ian Simpson (Director of Broadway Malyan) discussed the overall masterplan, detailed forecast on housing demand and supply, and the financial aspects of the project.

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