I. Objective
To select outstanding public art installation designs on Slope Protections along One Clark Boulevard that will serve as landmarks and symbols of New Clark City, embodying its aspirations for sustainability, innovation, and cultural vibrancy.
II. Theme
- The theme of the competition is “Blossoming Futures: A Showcase of New Clark City’s Innovation and Rich Biodiversity” – symbolizing the growth and potential of New Clark City, inspired by the city’s flora and fauna and incorporating themes of innovation, sustainability, and cultural vibrancy. (Source: ADB Biodiversity Study)
- The proposed art installation shall be a Modern Wall Relief.
- The installation shall reflect the city’s commitment to sustainability, innovation, and technological advancement.
- The installation shall embody the city’s vision as a vibrant and inclusive community.
- The installation shall embody the city’s natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

III. Site Details and Location
Site Location: Along One Clark Boulevard, New Clark City
Site Coordinates: 15°13’52.87″N, 120°32’47.72″E
Working Area: 20m x 50m (1,000 sqm)
Interested artists/participants may schedule a site visit through email (nccartdesigncompetition@bcda.gov.ph) indicating the expression of interest in participating in the design competition for the Slope Protection Wall Art, and the preferred schedule of visit.

IV. Entry Requirements
- The competition is open to Filipino citizens who are at least 18 years old;
- Participants must provide proof of age, citizenship, and residency with a valid government-issued ID. If the participant does not have any government-issued ID, the following supporting documents may be accepted:
- PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth
- Philippine Passport or ePassport issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
- Unified Multi-purpose ldentification (UMID) Card issued by Government Service lnsurance System (GSIS) or Social Security System (SSS)
- Social Security System (SSS) lD
- National Bureau of lnvestigation (NBl) Clearance
- Police Clearance/ID
- Voter’s lD issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
- Postal lD issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhlPost)
- Taxpayer ldentification Number (TlN) ID
- PhilHealth ID
- Employee ID
- School ID;
- City/Municipal ID
- Barangay Clearance/Certificate
- Barangay ID
- Both artists with and without prior solo exhibitions are eligible, except employees of Bases Conversion and Development Authority and its subsidiaries.
- Participants may join individually or as a group;
- Each team may submit one (1) entry.
V. Mechanics
- The entry must be an original artwork, entirely conceptualized and executed by the participants. Any entry found to have copied the composition of existing works will be automatically disqualified, regardless of differences in style, medium, color scheme, or the addition of other elements.
- Participants are required to submit a digital copy of their proposed design presentation via email through nccartdesigncompetition@bcda.gov.ph in PDF format (presentation layout) containing the following:
- Entry title
- Detailed design proposal including sketches, renderings, and a scale model showing 4 different angles (front, rear, left, and right view shots) attached with a written description of the artwork.
- Estimated cost inclusive of VAT & applicable tax for the implementation of the project must be within Php 18,000,000.00
- Timeline for project completion
- Team members with complete name and contact information (home address, mobile number, and email address)
- Attached photocopy of valid ID per member
- Additional Considerations
- The feasibility of the design proposal, including its technical requirements, construction methodology, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.
- The impact of the design proposal on the surrounding environment, including its potential contribution to the city’s green spaces and urban aesthetics.
- The design shall consider the safety and security of children, persons with disabilities (PWDs), senior citizens, and pregnant women.
VI. Competition Timeline
- Call for Submissions: January 13, 2025
- Deadline for inquiries: March 10, 2025
- Submission Deadline: March 23, 2025
- Judging and Selection: March 24 to 28, 2025
- Finalists’ Design Presentations: March 27, 2025
- Announcement of Winner: April 03, 2025
- Awarding of Winning Artist: April 10, 2025
- Bidding for the Construction of the Winning Design (from Posting to Awarding): April 17, 2025 to June 17, 2025
- Target Construction Period for the Artwork: June 23, 2025 to December 19, 2025
VII. Submission Requirements: March 23, 2025
The Submission Requirements will ALL be in electronic format (no need for hard copy). Consolidate all file requirements in one (1) Submission Folder. Email the link to the Submission Folder to nccartdesigncompetition@bcda.gov.ph on or before March 23, 2025 (Sunday), no later than 5:00 PM (Philippine Standard Time). The link must direct to an accessible cloud storage (e.g., Google Drive), wherein the Competition Secretariat will download the files contained in the Submission Folder.
The Submission must contain the following:
- A detailed description of the proposed art installation, including its concept, materials, costing, dimensions, and installation process.
- Visual representations of the art installation, such as sketches, renderings, or 3D models.
- A scaled site plan showing the location and orientation of the art installation. Refer to Annex A for the site details showing the satellite image of the site, site photo, and dimensions for the art installation.
- A brief artist statement outlining the artist’s inspiration and goals for the project.
- Participants shall be given the opportunity to present their designs to the jurors.
Note: The finalists are NO LONGER required to submit the physical copies of the above-stated deliverables including the scale model. We leave it to the finalists how they will best convey their designs to the Jury during their presentation.
VIII. Judging Criteria
The judging panel will score each entry using the scoring matrix below, and it must meet a passing rate of 85%.
- Relevance to New Clark City’s identity, culture, history, and aspirations (35%)
- The design shall reflect the unique character, history, and aspirations of New Clark City as a sustainable, smart, and resilient metropolis.
- The design shall contribute to the city’s sense of place and community, and enhance the experience of residents, visitors, and investors.
- Technical Approaches (25%)
- The design shall consider technical approaches in implementing the artwork to ensure its feasibility and practicality while being innovative.
- The design shall consider sustainable and cost-effective approaches in implementing the artwork.
- Creativity and Originality (20%)
- The design shall exhibit a high level of creativity and originality, showcasing the artist’s or designer’s unique vision and approach.
- The design should be innovative and thought-provoking, challenging conventional perceptions of public art.
- Artistic Merit (10%)
- The design shall demonstrate strong artistic merit, including composition, color, form, and materials.
- The design shall be well-crafted and technically sound, ensuring its durability and sustainability in the outdoor environment.
- Public Engagement and Interaction (10%)
- The design shall encourage public engagement and interaction, inviting viewers to experience the artwork in meaningful ways.
- The design should consider the diverse needs and perspectives of the community, promoting inclusivity and accessibility.
IX. Judging Panel
- The BCDA shall have the authority to choose the Panel of Judges.
- The panel shall be composed of experts in the fields of art, design, urban planning, community engagement, and other related disciplines.
- The panel shall review all submissions based on the criteria and select the winning proposals.
- The decision of the Panel of Judges SHALL BE FINAL. Judges may decide not to award prizes to any entry that does not meet certain artistic and competition requirements.
X. Finalists’ Design Presentations: March 27, 2025
Each Finalist will be allotted 20 minutes to present their designs to the Jury. It is the option of the Finalists whether or not to include in their presentation an Animation or Video Rendering.
- Team Introduction
- Design Presentation
- Question and Answer
- Team Exit
The order of presentations of the Teams will be randomly determined. Teams will be notified via email the order of their presentations by March 26, 2025.
XI. Judging Mechanics:
Stage 1:
Upon submission of the Conceptual Design on March 23, 2025, the Evaluators shall be provided with the electronic files of the Conceptual Designs and assess the same, on their own time, from March 24 to 25, 2025.
The Evaluators shall convene on March 25, 2025, at the BCDA Board Room to discuss the technical merits and demerits of the Conceptual Designs and select the five (5) finalists which will be emailed to the Jury on March 25, 2025, together with a Summary Report to assist them in rating the Conceptual Designs.
Stage 2:
On March 27, 2025, each of the Finalists shall be allotted 20 minutes to present their Conceptual Design before the Jury and representatives from the Evaluators.
The Members of the Jury including the Evaluators shall rate the Conceptual Design based on the Judging Criteria and come up with the ranking.
Stage 3:
The Jury shall deliberate and decide on the winning Conceptual Design from the finalists.
XII. Prizes and Awards
The winning proposal will be awarded a cash prize of Php 500,000.00, net of tax, and the opportunity to have their designs realized and installed in New Clark City. To ensure the proper completion of the artwork installation, the cash prize will be distributed through the following milestones:
- Php 100,000.00 upon awarding of the artist
- Php 300,000.00 upon submission of technical specifications
- Php 50,000.00 upon achieving 50% completion of the art installation
- Php 50,000.00 upon final clearance of the design with the contractor
Since the artist best understands the intricacies of the winning proposal, they are required to:
- Oversee and monitor the progress of the artwork’s installation or construction to ensure it aligns with the approved design.
- Ensure the artistic and structural integrity of the installation is maintained throughout the project.
- Ensure adherence to the agreed project timeline and promptly address any delays or challenges.
- Collaborate with the project team and contractors to resolve technical or design-related issues during the installation process.
Non-winning finalists will be awarded a consolation prize of Php 25,000.00 each, net of tax, in recognition of their creative contributions and efforts.
XIII. Grounds for Disqualification
- Entries submitted beyond the stated deadline (5:00 p.m., March 23, 2025) are automatically disqualified.
- Entries with incomplete documentation or not complying with the requirements shall be automatically disqualified.
XIV. Other Terms and Conditions
- The artists shall transfer ownership of all prize-winning works, including their copyright and economic rights as stipulated by law, to the BCDA. Additionally, the artists waive their moral rights in favor of the BCDA. These rights transfers encompass the right to utilize, produce, reproduce, and create derivative works of the designs for any purpose and in any form deemed suitable by the BCDA, without requiring further compensation to the artists or their heirs.
- The BCDA retains the authority to utilize the names and photographs of the artists and their entries without charge in any broadcast, print, or digital media, and to exhibit them as deemed appropriate. Additionally, it reserves the discretion to determine which entries will be showcased during the competition exhibit.
For more details, please contact:
Ar. Albert G. Reyes
(632) 8575-1700 local 1814 / (6345) 499-8617
+63 905 300 9838